What's new for Integrations

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This page provides transparency for changes and improvements to Pendo integrations. This includes:

  • Integrations with third-party applications, systems, or services, such as Salesforce and HubSpot.
  • Pendo Data Sync, allowing you to send your Pendo event data to your cloud storage so that it can then be pulled into your data lake or warehouse and business intelligence (BI) tools.
  • Integration technology for building custom integrations with the Pendo API and webhooks.

January, 2025

Integrate Jira with Session Replay

You can create Jira tickets based on replay clips with our Jira integration. This allows you to deliver bug reports to engineering teams in Jira that you can also keep track of in Pendo. For more information, see Create an issue from a replay.

HubSpot integration with Pendo Orchestrate

You can automatically send an email created in HubSpot when visitors reach a specific stage in your orchestrated journey. For instructions on how to set this integration up, see Send HubSpot emails from a journey in Orchestrate.

December 2024

Choose join keys for the two-way HubSpot integration

You can use any metadata field in Pendo to connect Pendo visitors to HubSpot contacts and Pendo accounts to HubSpot companies. For more information, see Two-way HubSpot integration with Pendo and Set up the two-way HubSpot integration.

Delete and update your Data Sync storage destination

You can delete your Data Sync storage destination to switch to another cloud storage provider. For instructions, see Set up Data Sync with Google Cloud, Set up Data Sync with Microsoft Azure Storage, Set up Data Sync with Amazon S3 using user access keys, or Set up Data Sync with Amazon S3 using IAM roles.

September 2024

Salesforce User Metadata integration

If you use Pendo for your employees and have Pendo installed on Salesforce, you can set up a direct integration that pulls visitor metadata into Pendo from the Salesforce User object. For more information, see Salesforce User Metadata integration with Pendo. For instructions, see Set up the Salesforce User Metadata integration with Pendo.

Account and visitor metadata exports for Data Sync

Data Sync customers can now create account and visitor exports that send all the account and visitor metadata stored in Pendo to the customer’s cloud storage destination. For more information, see Data Sync account and visitor export handling.

August 2024

Webhook error visibility

We automatically turn off webhooks that result in repeated failed webhook deliveries and send an email notification to prompt you to investigate the issue. You can diagnose recent webhook issues and turn a webhook back on in Settings > Integrations > Webhooks. For more information, see Webhooks.

July 2024

Pendo-hosted GCS destination for Data Sync

As an alternative to sending Pendo data to your own storage bucket in either GCS, Amazon S3, or Microsoft Azure Storage, you can set up a Pendo-hosted bucket in GCS as your Data Sync destination. For more information, see Set up Data Sync with a Pendo-hosted Google Cloud Storage (GCS) destination.

View ideas links to a Jira issue

The Jira integration with Pendo Listen has been updated to include a Pendo section in a Jira ticket that lists linked ideas. When you select one of these ideas, it automatically opens in Pendo Listen. For more information, see Jira integration with Pendo Listen.

May 2024

Integrate Jira with Pendo Listen

You can turn ideas into Jira tickets with our Jira integration. This helps you unify the feedback and prioritization process by using the feedback you've already created in Listen as supporting evidence for engineering tickets. For more information, see Jira integration with Pendo Listen.

Send events from Pendo to HubSpot

You can use our two-way HubSpot integration to send any Page, Feature, or Track Event data to HubSpot as custom events and connect that data with HubSpot contacts. This is an enhancement to last month's release that allowed you to send Core Event data to HubSpot. For more information, see Send Pendo events to HubSpot.

April 2024

Send Core Events in Pendo to HubSpot

A new integration allows you to send up to 10 Pendo Core Events to HubSpot as "custom events", allowing you to use specific Page and Feature usage data in customer health scores and outreach campaigns. For more information and instructions, see Send Pendo events to HubSpot.

New push fields for two-way HubSpot integration

New push fields have been added to two-way HubSpot integration to allow for NPS comments, non-NPS poll responses, and 30 and 90 day time-horizons for select aggregate data. For more information, see Two-way HubSpot integration with Pendo.

February 2024

New Pendo destination in Segment

There is now a Pendo Web (Actions) Segment destination allowing you to receive data from Segment. This destination supports custom CNAME and non-US data centers. This is different from the classic Pendo destination, which had more restricted functionality. For more information, see Twilio Segment integration overview.

January 2024

Two-way HubSpot integration

The two-way HubSpot integration is now generally available as an add-on for all Pendo subscriptions. This integration offers a two-way sync between Pendo and HubSpot, allowing you to pull key visitor and account metadata from HubSpot into Pendo to enhance reporting and segmentation, and to push aggregated product usage and NPS results from Pendo into HubSpot. For more information, see Two-way HubSpot integration with Pendo.

December 2023

Salesforce integration with Pendo Discover (beta)

This integration allows you to submit customer feedback from Salesforce to appear in Pendo Discover and see feedback items from Discover in Salesforce. For more information, see Integrate Salesforce with Pendo Discover.

November 2023

October 2023

Two-way HubSpot integration (beta)

A new HubSpot integration launched to a group of closed beta customers offers a two-way sync between Pendo and HubSpot. This integration allows you to pull key visitor and account metadata from HubSpot into Pendo to enhance reporting and segmentation, and to push aggregated product usage and NPS results from Pendo into HubSpot. For more information, see Two-way HubSpot integration with Pendo (beta).

Zendesk messaging integration

Pendo now integrates with Zendesk messaging to deliver chat functionality to your customers as a module in your application's Resource Center.  For instructions on how to set up this integration, see Integrate Zendesk messaging with Pendo.

July 2023

Rotating credentials for Data Sync

You can now rotate your credentials using the public API endpoint. For instructions, see the article for the relevant cloud storage service that you're using with Pendo Data Sync: Set up Data Sync with Google Cloud, Set up Data Sync with Amazon S3, or Set up Data Sync with Microsoft Azure Storage.

Pendo Data Sync for Microsoft Azure Storage

We now offer the ability to send your Pendo event data in Avro format to your Microsoft Azure Storage account so that it can be pulled into a date lake or warehouse with a standard ETL process. For more information and instructions, see Set up Data Sync with Microsoft Azure Storage.

June 2023

Retroactive processing in Data Sync

We retroactively update data that you've synced to your warehouse whenever Page or Feature rules are added or changed in Pendo. For more information, see Data Sync export handling.

May 2023

Data Sync for Google Cloud and Amazon S3

Data Sync allows you to send your Pendo event data in Avro format to Google Cloud  Storage (GCS) or your Amazon S3 account so that it can be pulled into a date lake or warehouse with a standard ETL process. For more information and instructions, see Set up Data Sync with Google Cloud and Set up Data Sync with Amazon S3.

March 2023

Pendo Data Sync for Google Cloud

Data Sync allows you to export Pendo data to your Google Cloud Storage (GCS) account. For more information and instructions, see Set up Data Sync with Google Cloud.

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