Note: This offering is currently in closed beta, available to select Pendo customers for testing. The information that follows isn't a commitment, promise, or legal obligation. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described here are subject to change at the discretion of Pendo, which can occur without notice. If you're interested in getting early access and providing feedback, contact your Pendo account representative.
This article provides the details needed for Pendo Toolkit Administrators to manually assign user permissions in Salesforce and to configure the components of the Salesforce Pendo One Toolkit (herein Salesforce toolkit). For information about the Salesforce toolkit, see The Pendo One Toolkit for Salesforce.
Permission set details
The Pendo Toolkit provides two permission sets to manage access levels for different user roles: Pendo Toolkit Administrator and Pendo Toolkit User. For an overview of these permission sets, see The Pendo One Toolkit for Salesforce.
Pendo Toolkit Administrator
This permission set is intended for Salesforce admins who are responsible for configuring the Salesforce fields needed for Pendo and reviewing data before it’s sent to Pendo. For more information, see Permission sets in this article.
Apex classes:
- PageDataConfigurationSelector
- PageDataConfigurationSelectorTest
- PageDataController
- PageDataConfigurationController
- PermissionSetAssignmentSelector
- SObjectSelector
- FieldValuesFormatterService
Custom setting: Pendo_Data_Configuration__c
Tab: Pendo_Data_Configuration
Pendo Toolkit User
This permission set is designed for end users who interact with Salesforce pages that contain the Pendo Data LWC but don't need access to configure it. For more information, see Permission sets in this article.
Apex classes:
- PageDataConfigurationSelector
- PageDataController
- PageDataConfigurationController
- PermissionSetAssignmentSelector
- SObjectSelector
- FieldValuesFormatterService
Custom Setting: Pendo_Data_Configuration__c
Component configuration options
After placing the components in a Lightning page layout, there are configuration steps for each of the components to consider.
Embedded Content LWC
Both Pendo Toolkit Administrators and Pendo Toolkit Users can see the Pendo Embedded Content LWC. The component displays Pendo guides relevant to the user’s context based on field data sent from Salesforce.
While adding the Pendo Embedded Content LWC to the Salesforce page layout, the Pendo Toolkit Administrator has the following configuration options:
- Component ID. Identifies the component on the page, and is used by Pendo to deliver the appropriate guide.
- Height (optional). Allows you to set the height of the component. If not set, the component is responsive to the height of the content from Pendo.
Page Data LWC
Pendo One Toolkit Administrators are responsible for reviewing the Salesforce data field configuration for the Page Data LWC. By default, Pendo Toolkit Administrators can see the Page Data LWC on record pages, with an option to hide it. The component displays the field data that’s been configured in the Pendo Data Configuration settings page. For information about data configuration, see Set up the Pendo One Toolkit for Salesforce.
When Pendo Toolkit Administrators view a record page, the data from the selected fields is sent to Pendo, and the relevant Pendo guides are shown if any have been added to the page. This ensures that Pendo Toolkit Administrators can both verify the field data being sent and see the corresponding guides based on that data.
While adding the Page Data LWC to the page layout, a Pendo Toolkit Administrator can see the option to Hide for Admin. If selected, the Page Data LWC is hidden from view on the record page for Pendo Toolkit Administrators. However, the data is still sent to Pendo in the background. This allows Pendo Toolkit Administrators to view the component during testing and data policy validation, but hide it when testing is complete.
Note: Non-admin users assigned the Pendo Toolkit User permission set don't see the Page Data LWC on record pages. Their field data is still being sent to Pendo when they interact with the record page.