Understand NPS metrics

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The Net Promoter Score (NPS) widgets in the Overview tab of your NPS survey show NPS response data, including distribution, trends over time, responses, usage by score, NPS breakdown, and theme distribution. This article provides information about the NPS survey metrics and guide views.

NPS metrics

  1. To access NPS metrics, in the left-side menu, select NPS.
  2. In the Overview tab, select an NPS survey to view the NPS survey metrics.
Note: All of the data displayed in the charts and widgets in the Overview tab is dependent on your filter selection at the top of the page.

NPS score

This widget calculates the response rate of your NPS survey and shows the NPS score and the change compared to a specific time period. The difference can be both an increase or decrease in the score.


The response rate is dependent on your selection in this filter:

  • In-app + Email. Unique views and emails sent.
  • In-app. Unique views only.
  • Email only. Emails sent to visitors who haven't responded in-app 14 days after the survey start date.

How is NPS response rate calculated?

  • Response rate = (number of responses out of unique views) * 100
  • Responses include textual and non-textual responses.
  • Unique views are visitors that viewed the NPS survey:
    • If the same Visitor ID views the survey multiple times within the first 14 days, all views are counted as one unique view for the sake of response rate.
    • After 14 days, the next view is counted for the response rate and because of the recurrence settings of the survey. Any subsequent views within the next 14 days aren't counted. And so on.
    • Emails are sent to users who didn’t see the survey within 14 days of being targeted. In these cases, only one view is counted as unique, either in-app or email sent.

How is the margin of error calculated?

Margin of error (MoE) helps account for variances in the user sample that you are measuring. You can read the margin of error data as "95% of the total population NPS score will fall between the calculated NPS score plus or minus the MoE". The margin of error gets narrower as more responses are collected.

NPS DailyWeekly/Monthly


The NPS Daily/Weekly/Monthly chart shows the trends of the NPS score on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, as well as the margin of error for any given datapoint.

Additional viewing options

Adjust your date range at the top of the page to reveal additional viewing options:

  • TodayYesterday, or Last 7 days: view will be restricted to Daily
  • Last 30 days: view will be restricted to Weekly
  • Custom: if your custom date range is greater than 30 days, both Dailyand Monthly are available
Note: A selection of Weekly results in the NPS calculation for each week’s set of responses.

Page or Feature usage by detractors vs promoters


The Page or Feature usage widget displays Pages or Features, and their usage. Pages or Features that experience a greater percent of usage by detractors than promoters are represented at the far left of the graph.

Line height represents the relative number of NPS respondents who have used a particular Feature; the greater the height, the more visitors have used it.



Hover over any of the lines to reveal additional information such as the Page or Feature name and either the average time on Page per day or number of clicks on the Feature by respondents in the selected date range. The number in parenthesis represents the number of respondents or users who make up the usage.

Zoom/reset view

You may find that you have a lot of Pages and Features tagged. To drill down into the data, simply select and drag your mouse over any section of the data to zoom. Select Reset Zoom to reset the data to the default view.


The colors for each tick reflect the color of the group that the respective Page or Feature is associated with.

NPS Total Usage scatterplot

The Scatter plot chart shows a color-coded distribution of all usage for a given visitor as it relates to their score:

  • Orange. Detractor
  • Yellow. Passive
  • Green. Promoter
Note: All usage in this scatterplot is independent of your selected date range. Data displayed is usage for the trailing 30 days from the time of each visitor’s response.

 In the chart, you can:

  • Select a Page or Feature in your app from the dropdown list. Alternatively, you can use the search field to find a Page or Feature. The scatterplot adjusts to display usage data for that specific Page or Feature.
  • Hover over any of the dots to reveal additional data, such as the VisitorID and their total average usage (min/active day), or the total number of clicks if the view is specific to a feature.
  • Select any of the dots to display additional information in the summary chart on the right. Metrics such as Days ActiveTotal TimeAverage Usage, and Features Used are visible.

  • Select View Visitor Details to view more information about that specific visitor.
  • Select the speech bubble icon to reveal any qualitative feedback the user has provided alongside their score.
90th/50th/10th percentiles

Hover over 90/50th/10th to reveal the minutes per active day that meet the focused percentile.


Summary chart

A summary chart displays on the right side of the page highlighting the total number of responses, as well as four quadrants of high (90th percentile)/low (10th percentile) usage for detractors and promoters. Hover over any of the quadrants to focus the scatterplot view on those users.

Select any of the quadrants to zoom the scatterplot to only those users and lock that view. You can download a CSV file of those visitors that includes: Visitor IDNPS ResponseFollow up ResponsePoll Submission Date, and Leading 30 Days Avg Usage (min/active day)

NPS by Metadata


To view score by metadata group, select an Account ID at the top to reveal a dropdown list of available metadata fields. These fields are specific to your installation and might vary depending on the subscription.

Select View Full List to review NPS for each each metadata value, which defaults to show the first five values with the greatest number of responses.

Guide views

In the Views tab, you can see information about:

  • Guide views. The Guide Views chart shows a bar chart of total views broken down by first-time views and repeat views. The visualization can be adjusted in the dropdown menus to show weekly or monthly view totals and number of views or number of unique Visitors.
  • Time on guide. The Time on Guide chart shows the average time the guide displayed for each guide view grouped into 3-second increments from 0 to 30+ seconds.
  • Guide activity. The Guide Activity table shows all guide events in chronological order grouped by visitor or in a continuous list, and includes information about the number of visitors, time on guide, and guide status. 

    Note: The number of visitors shown in the Guide Activity table includes only unique visitors in-app and doesn't include emails sent.

For more information about guide views, see Guide metrics.

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