Use Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to measure customer loyalty and user satisfaction based on how willing a respondent is to recommend your product, service, or vendor. You can measure NPS over time and use it to compare products, services, or vendors. For an overview, see Net Promoter Score (NPS) in Pendo.
Process overview
Setting up an NPS survey for mobile is completed in three phases:
- Configuring the survey (steps 1 to 4 in this article).
- Editing the survey (optional).
- Publishing the survey.
The NPS survey configuration window takes you through four steps:
- Delivery, where you select the application you want to deliver the NPS survey on. You must always select In-app as the delivery method for mobile. Email backup is only available for web implementations of Pendo. For more information about setting up an NPS survey for web, see Set up an NPS survey.
- Content, where you customize parts of the NPS survey, including an open-ended followup question and, optionally, a success message.
- Segment, where you choose the group of visitors you want to target the NPS survey to.
- Schedule, where you choose when to start the survey, whether and how often you want to redeploy the survey, and whether you want to evenly distribute the survey.
Step 1. Choose NPS survey delivery
- Open NPS from the left-side menu.
- Select Create NPS Survey from the top-right corner of the page. This opens a New NPS Survey window, starting at the Delivery step of the process.
- If you have more than one application set up within your Pendo subscription, select the application that you want to deliver the NPS survey on. This option is only available if you have multiple applications set up within your Pendo subscription.
- Select In-app as your delivery method. In-app + Email is only for the web. Choosing In-app automatically moves you onto the next step in the configuration process: Content, with the NPS Survey Question tab open by default.
Step 2. Create NPS survey content
Creating NPS survey content involves editing the NPS survey question and follow-up question, and then, optionally, including a success message.
Edit the NPS survey question
The NPS Survey Question tab is open by default. Here, you can keep the default NPS survey question, How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or coworker?, or you can edit it.
Under NPS Survey Question:
- Either keep the existing text (us) or replace it with your brand, product, service, feature, or company name.
- Either keep the existing text (a friend or coworker) or replace it with a different target demographic.
Follow-Up Question
Open the Follow-up Question tab and choose whether you want the question to be Universal or Score-based. You can then choose to keep each existing question or edit it as needed.
Choose Universal if you want to present the same question to every respondent regardless of the numerical score they provided.
Choose Score-based if you want to present a different question to the respondent depending on their score-based grouping: detractor (0-6), passive (7-8), or promoter (9-10).
Success Message
Open the Success Message tab and choose whether you want to include a success message by selecting ON or OFF. If you choose ON, you can keep the existing message or edit it.
When you’ve edited your success message, select Next in the bottom-right corner of the page. This moves you on to the next step of the setup process: Segment.
Step 3. Configure your segmentation
Choose a segment to target the NPS survey to. The default segment is Everyone. The number of eligible visitors for the NPS survey is displayed on the right side of the screen.
We recommend segmenting the survey to visitors who have used your application for at least 30 days, with the first visit not being within the last 30 days. Choosing First visit not within 30 days creates a segment of visitors who have visited your application for at least 30 days.
To set rules for a more targeted survey:
- Open the segment menu.
- Hover over Custom Segment.
- Select the Edit icon in the top-right corner of the expanded menu.
- Edit your segment by choosing your visitor type and adding segment rules. For instructions on how to build segments, see Segments.
- Select Save custom segment in the bottom-right corner of the page.
- After you’ve chosen your segment, select Next in the bottom-right corner of the page. This moves you on to the final step of the setup process: Schedule.
Step 4. Schedule your NPS survey
- Choose how often you want to survey your visitors. You can:
- Make the survey a one-time guide by selecting One time only.
- Choose a recurring timeframe: Every 30, 60, 90, 180, or 365 days. For example, if you want to run a quarterly NPS campaign for a segment, select Every 90 Days. Pendo then automatically repeats the survey every 90 days.
- Choose the start date for your survey.
- Choose whether you want to evenly distribute the delivery of your survey. This distributes surveys throughout the duration of the survey timeframe (30, 60, 90, 180, or 365 days), allowing your team to receive a constant flow of data throughout.
- Choose Yes for even distribution if you want to continuously analyze and act on NPS results as they come in.
- Choose No for even distribution if you want to respond to or analyze NPS results at a specific time. Any eligible visitor is presented with the NPS survey as soon as they sign in to your application after you publish the survey.
- Select Save & Exit to continue.
With even distribution, Pendo selects visitors to deliver the survey to based on a rolling schedule. A new group of eligible visitors is selected to receive the survey each day over the course of your chosen survey timeframe. Some visitors can reach the end of their 14-day eligibility window before the 14-day eligibility window for other visitors begins. For more information, see Even distribution in Net Promoter Score (NPS) in Pendo and Even distribution for NPS in Pendo.
Step 5. Edit your NPS survey (optional)
The overall format of an NPS survey must stay the same for it to be a valid NPS survey. For this reason, you can’t change most aspects of the survey beyond the options provided to you as part of the initial setup process.
However, you do have access to the following guide settings, which you can access from the Settings tab of your NPS survey after you’ve created it:
- Activation. You must keep the activation method set to Automatically if you’re using even distribution. All other activation methods override even distribution behavior.
- Segment. Review and edit the segment, or choose a different segment.
- Scheduling. Review and edit how frequently the survey is delivered, the start date and time of the survey, and whether you want to evenly distribute the survey. Even distribution controls when visitors are eligible to see the survey within its time frame.
- Localization. Add and manage translations of your survey. This is only available to edit if localization is activated for your subscription. For more information, see Localization.
Additionally, you can customize the following aspects of your NPS survey from the Visual Design Studio:
- Add more steps to the NPS survey.
- Edit text of the NPS survey. You can edit the styling and phrasing of the NPS questions and button text in the survey.
- Choose a different location for your NPS survey. We recommend keeping your NPS survey as a banner. Other formats can interfere with the styling and activation method for your guide.
For more information, see Edit your NPS survey content.
Note: If you edit an NPS survey, visitors who have already seen the survey won’t see it again until the next recurrence time frame starts.
Step 6. Publish your NPS survey
When you’re done editing and customizing your NPS survey, you can publish it. We recommend previewing the survey before publishing.
- Go to NPS from the left-side menu.
- To preview your survey, find and open your NPS survey and then select Preview in the Settings tab. Close the Visual Design Studio when you’re done
- To publish the NPS, choose Public from the dropdown menu in the top right-corner of the page.
NPS is automatically delivered to your segment of visitors. If a visitor doesn’t immediately see the NPS survey:
- They might not meet the requirements of your segment.
- If you have Even Distribution turned on, they might not be included in the first randomized group of surveyed visitors.
Next steps
- Review metrics. All survey views are captured in the Metrics tab of your NPS survey in Pendo. For more information, see Understand NPS metrics.
- Review responses. You can view raw responses and responses organized by theme from the Overview and Responses tabs of your NPS survey in Pendo. For more information, see NPS themes and insights.
- Follow up in real time. We offer a Slack integration that can be used to notify your customer-facing teams and improve the user experience. For information and instructions, see Send NPS responses to a Slack channel.
- Follow up with a guide. You can create segments based on your NPS response data, and use these segments to target follow-up guides to. Create “promoter”, “passive”, and “detractor” segments and then use these segments to target guides. For instructions, see Deliver guides based on NPS responses.
- Send NPS data to Listen. If you’re a Listen customer, you can forward NPS responses to Listen to live alongside other sources of feedback in a centralized location. For more information and instructions, see Send NPS survey data to Listen.