Intercom Chat Integration Overview

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Embed Intercom's live chat in your Pendo Resource Center to provide real-time assistance alongside your contextual guidance and product walkthroughs. This integration removes the native activation badge created by the Intercom chat snippet and activates live chat entirely within the Pendo Resource Center. The Resource Center can be activated from a Pendo badge or a target element in your application.



  • Pendo Admin User
  • Intercom Admin user or Intercom Chat Permissions
  • Active Intercom Integration for your Pendo subscription
  • Engineer to install Intercom Chat snippet
  • Published Pendo Resource Center
  • Agent Version 2.93.2 or greater

Reach out to your Pendo customer success or sales representative to add the Intercom Integration to your Pendo subscription.


  • The Intercom snippet must be installed below the Pendo snippet in the page header
  • Installing the Intercom snippet without publishing the Intercom Chat module in the Resource Center will load the Intercom Chat launch badge over your UI
  • The Resource Center only supports one chat integration and will only load the first module listed


Intercom Chat installation is a two-step process. The chat module must be added to the Resource Center and the Intercom Chat snippet must be installed on any page where the chat module is used.

If the Intercom snippet is installed and the RC module isn't published, the Intercom snippet will load Intercom's launch button over your UI. If the chat module is in the published Resource Center, it won't show up in the Resource Center until it detects the installed chat snippet in your application. This install order acts a fail-safe, only showing the chat module when it's functional.

Add the Intercom Chat Module to the Resource Center

The Intercom Chat integration needs to be added to the subscription then the Chat module can be added to the Resource Center. The chat module must be added to the Resource Center and published before the snippet is installed in your application, otherwise Intercom will display their launch badge until the Resource Center module is added.


1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations.

2. Find the Intercom Chat integration in Live Chat integrations and click Edit Integration.

3. Edit the Resource Center module details.

4. Click Save to Staging to make the integration available in the Resource Center.

Configure Resource Center

5. Navigate to Guides > Resource Center.

6. Click Add Module and add the Intercom Chat module. Click Add Modules to save the new module to your draft Resource Center.

  • If you need to change the order of your Resource Center modules or make any other changes, click Manage in My App.
  • The segment for the Intercom Chat module is set to Everyone by default. Do not change it. Users outside of a restricted segment will see the Intercom Chat launch badge.

7. Click Push to Staging to promote your Resource Center to staging. As a best practice, you should review the new Resource Center and test the chat integration in your staging environment.

8. Click Push to Production to promote your new Resource Center from staging to your production environment. The Intercom Chat module is now available in your Resource Center.


Install the Intercom Chat Snippet

Intercom has installation instructions for installing the Chat snippet. The process is similar to installing the Pendo snippet. Intercom recommends adding their snippet before the closing tag of the <body> but installing in the <head> works also. The chat module in the Resource Center will not load unless the snippet is present on the page.

The Intercom Chat snippet must be installed below the the Pendo snippet in the <head>. If the Intercom snippet loads before the Pendo snippet, Intercom will load their own chat launch button instead of using the Resource Center module.


Using the Intercom Chat Module

When an end user clicks on the Intercom Chat module in the Resource Center, the Intercom Chat window opens and the Resource Center is hidden. This starts the chat with a support agent.

When the user is connected to a support agent, they can have their entire conversation in the in-app chat module.

Clicking on the Resource Center badge or activation element ends the chat and closes the chat window. Reopening the Resource Center opens the Resource Center on the Home page.

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