Code-based solution for Mobile Tagging React Native

is there any further documentation or example for 'Code-based solution for Mobile Tagging React Native'?

we are using react navigation library. this is all i can find in pendo doc:

    • For React Navigation lib via traversalOptionsObject.clickableElementsNativeIDsRegex:
let traversalOptionsObject: RNTraverseOptions = {clickableElementsNativeIDsRegex: '^clickable|^pendo_|...'};

export default withPendoRN(RootNavigator, traversalOptionsObject);
  • If a customer configures Regex on their own, they must make sure that all regex templates are included the default template, are included 'pendoClickable' i.e clickableElementsNativeIDsRegex: '^clickable|^pendoClickable|customRegex'

  • If the click analytic is not generated after marking the element, the developer needs to call to “sendClickAnalytics“ API and pass the “nativeID“ as a parameter. Our native SDK then finds this view in a layout hierarchy to gather element info and send its analytics.

    ===> confuse about the the customRegex setup, is there a working example?
    one place said '^clickable|^pendo_|...'} and another place said '^clickable|^pendoClickable|customRegex'

    I tried add 


         but nothing show up on the feature list. i then try this 


and the 'sendClickAnalytic' function is not available in PendoSDK class. 

im trying to tag a feature with custom rules. in web, we can add custom HTML attribute like data-id but how do we add custom attribute? example: register button clicked for specific event.

also the button is in a modal but in ios, i can't select it, the mouse only recognize elements underneath the modal. while in android, i can select the button to tag the feature.



  • Hi
    this is a technical questions that fits to ur GitHub forum:
    All the clickable elements in RN are in related to touchables i.e all those elements should be taggable as clickable.
    Which SDK version u r using?
    Is this modal screen is part of RN navigations system (or its just a view that looks like modal screen)? 
    Can you provide sample RN with minimal example to reproduce the issue 
    Please add the question with all the the answers in our relevant GitHub repo 

  • we are currently use RN 0.68.4

    so when I tried the coddles feature tagging (capture a page with camera), the button inside the modal (react native modal component) is not clickable but all the elements underneath can. in android I able to hover and click on the button to tag the feature.

    So I tried the 'Code-based solution for Mobile Tagging React Native' but not sure how it would work as I can't find any full example or documentation on how to implement this. so when I put nativeID='pendoClickable...' in my <Button /> what would be the next step of integration to tag a feature on a page?


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