500 MAU Limit
I've hit the MAU limit... when will the public guides become available again? Is it automatic or do I have to reset something?
Thank you!
I've hit the MAU limit... when will the public guides become available again? Is it automatic or do I have to reset something?
Thank you!
Ah, I just realized there were more visitors today which means it automatically allows more on a day by day basis.
Hey ERIC GRAVES! Thanks for the question. Hitting your MAU limit in Pendo Free should not restrict your end users from seeing any public guides. It will limit the ability to see product usage and guide usage data beyond 500 MAU.
I see the banner saying "You've exceeded the 0 MAU limit of your current Pendo plan. Upgrade now to continue growing with Pendo." However, when I view my MAUs in Settings > Subscription Settings I see I have only used 192 MAU.
Why am I getting this message?
Jon Grover Are you still seeing the message? I believe this was an error and has been resolved but please let me know if you are still having issues.
I no longer see the banner. Thanks for the follow-up!
Me and my team are getting this message and can no longer create new guides. Ive read that the "free plan" includes 500 uses including anonymous users. Is this PER COMPANY. There is no way we have 500 people or guides for that matter. Does this reset monthly? I'm confused.
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