Android Compose Support
I have an app with a UI layer in Compose combined with Fragment. I would like to enable the target element but cannot select a specific element, just the whole ComposeView from XML.
Does Pendo support Jetpack Compose in Android? If not, do you think of working on it?
Hi Andrej,
Supporting Jetpack compose is on our roadmap, but I cannot commit to a date.
Until then, we recommend using our track event solution: Link
Hi Elad,
Thank you for the fast response.
Track event was the solution to go for us in case Compose is not supported.
Have a nice day,
Best regards.
Hi Elad Ben-Noam do you have any update about the jetpack compose support?
Hi julio oliveira,
We have begun the early stages of investigation into support of Jetpack compose. We will communicate updates as we progress, but there is no dedicated resource at the moment to specifically follow jetpack compose updates. We are beginning to create a list of potential design partners, if your team is interested, send an email to:
Are there any updates on this? Wondering where we are with jetpack compose support. Is the email shared above still up to date to join the lsit of potential design partners?
Hello Russell Ochoa
Thanks for reaching out! We’re excited to share some great news with you, our open beta for low-code support of Jetpack Compose is launching at the end of this month! We’d be happy to keep you updated and let you know as soon as it’s available.
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