We're seeing raw events from users including when they see a guide and dismiss it, but the guide is showing 0 views
How can the dashboard be seeing the raw events of exactly when someone viewed a guide and dismissed it, but when we look at the guide metrics, it shows zero views? My timeline is the last 30 days and the guide was posted 2 days ago. There have been several views since then, but nothing is showing up.
Hi Frank, have you double checked your target segment and application when viewing the guide metrics?
The target segment for the guide was everyone, and the metric segment is everyone. The application is the same for both the guide and the metrics.
Can you explain what you mean when you say dashboard is seeing raw events of someone seeing and dismissing a guide please? Is that in the Guide elements of the Guide Metrics tab? Can you see view visitors who have seen the guide? You could check their session timeline on the their visitor record.
Could include/exclude lists be affecting the guide metrics? e.g. users viewing guides in lower environment not being tracked due to include/exclude lists
That's not in the guide at all, and that's the problem. We're seeing raw events in the application settings. We're seeing where users see the guide and dismiss the guide, but when we look at the actual guide itself, it reports 0 views and 0 clicks. We only have one guide active, so it's not like those raw events are pointing to any other guide.
Hi, was this resolved? I'm having the same problem.
Our guide is published and I know it is showing up for users. Can verify that by logging in with multiple user accounts myself and through session recordings of user sessions from a different analytics software. However guide metrics in pendo say 0 views...
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