Guide not triggering after element click
Having difficulty getting a guide to trigger after an element click. Essentially once you click the desired element I am targeting, you are directed to a new URL and because it's a different URL I am not able to get the guide to trigger and work properly. If I ignore throttling then the guide appears without hitting the target element. Genuinely at a loss here and not sure what to do. Any help would be tremendously appreciated!
Do you have the behavior of your guide to Advance on Element Click?
Hey Erica Akroyd yes I do! I am wondering if it is a page tagging issue?

Each question has its own URL as pictured. Then when you submit the answer it takes you back to a page where you can choose your next question, the URL for that page would be static. I want the guide to appear no matter what question you're answering after you submit your response. Do you know if I applied the paging tagging rule correctly?
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