Creating segment using CSV, but not for Account or Visitor ID

Is it possible to do a bulk upload of a CSV for a field that is not the Account or Visitor ID? We have a custom  field that we track that we have ~500 unique identifiers for our users, and I would like to be able to bulk upload a portion of these into a segment, but do not want to have to do it one-by-one. Hoping there may be a way that I am just missing when looking to bulk upload these fields. 



  • Hi Jordan Drake, can you create a new segment based on the metadata, that will give you the account/visitor which you can then use for guides (if eligible).

    You can connect with me here LinkedIn

  • My issue is less about using the metadata to create the segment vs having to enter in a large amount of individual pieces (ie the field may be group_id & ranges from 1-1000, but I only want specific groups. I would prefer a bulk upload of those groups that I want as opposed to having to enter each one in manually bc that could lead to human error).

  • Understood Jordan Drake, I dont have a solution for this situation, I also use manual effort to deal in these cases.

  • I am also struggling with this issue if anyone has found a solution!

  • Found a fix for anyone who stumbles on this. I was able to export the list of Visitor ID from pendo that included also included the ID we have in our network. Then I simply joined the datasets to match the overlapping variable, isolating Visitor ID for those that matched. I then uploaded the Visitor ID .csv to Pendo.


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