my pendo code is being included on my pages, with the right API key, but the app is showing as not installed

I added the integration code to my website which looks like this

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <!-- PENDO INTEGRATION -->
            (function (apiKey) {
                (function (p, e, n, d, o) {
                    var v, w, x, y, z;
                    o = p[d] = p[d] || {};
                    o._q = o._q || [];
                    v = ["initialize", "identify", "updateOptions", "pageLoad", "track"];
                    for (w = 0, x = v.length; w < x; ++w)
                        (function (m) {
                            o[m] =
                                o[m] ||
                                function () {
                                    o._q[m === v[0] ? "unshift" : "push"]([m].concat([], 0)));
                    y = e.createElement(n);
                    y.async = !0;
                    y.src = "" + apiKey + "/pendo.js";
                    z = e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];
                    z.parentNode.insertBefore(y, z);
                })(window, document, "script", "pendo");

            // This function creates anonymous visitor IDs in Pendo unless you change the visitor id field to use your app's values
            // This function uses the placeholder 'ACCOUNT-UNIQUE-ID' value for account ID unless you change the account id field to use your app's values
            // Call this function in your authentication promise handler or callback when your visitor and account id values are available
            // Please use Strings, Numbers, or Bools for value types.
                visitor: {
                    id: "VISITOR-UNIQUE-ID", // Required if user is logged in, default creates anonymous ID
                    // email:        // Recommended if using Pendo Feedback, or NPS Email
                    // full_name:    // Recommended if using Pendo Feedback
                    // role:         // Optional

                    // You can add any additional visitor level key-values here,
                    // as long as it's not one of the above reserved names.

                account: {
                    id: "ACCOUNT-UNIQUE-ID", // Required if using Pendo Feedback, default uses the value 'ACCOUNT-UNIQUE-ID'
                    // name:         // Optional
                    // is_paying:    // Recommended if using Pendo Feedback
                    // monthly_value:// Recommended if using Pendo Feedback
                    // planLevel:    // Optional
                    // planPrice:    // Optional
                    // creationDate: // Optional

                    // You can add any additional account level key-values here,
                    // as long as it's not one of the above reserved names.
        <!-- END PENDO INTEGRATION -->

        <base href="/" />
        <script src="dmxAppConnect/dmxAppConnect.js"></script>
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <title>my Page</title>

The page loads ok, there are no console errors. However, when I check my applications tab on pendo, the status of my installation is still "not installed"

Any idea of what could I be missing here?






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