Supplemental Styles for X?
Hey! Im working on updating our pendo styles, and I was looking for a way to override the X in Supplemental Styles with the text "Close". Unfortunately this is a bit beyond my CSS capabilities.
nice! I would think you could add some styling to the CSS tab targeting ._pendo-close-guide :)
Try adding !important on each line? It's also possible you'd need to add it to the guide theme styling, since there is a spot there, but then it would apply to all guides in that theme, not just each time you used this saved layout.
for this you'll need Javascript to find the close button by class, then replace it. I'd recommend using saved layouts that do not have an X, then adding in the Close button however you want it done, and using those only.
Javascript! My new-old enemy! I was exploring JS last night but wasnt able to hodge-podge something together successfully.
And just like that I managed to do it! Now I just need to figure out how to style it.
Ive tried. I think there is some pendo system default overwriting the CSS :\
Bingo! !important in the CSS editor wasn't working, but !important in Supplemental Styles did the trick. Thank you, Liz!
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