Even distribution of guides (not NPS)
I'd like to use a guide to solicit and schedule interviews with users (with an embedded calendar link) as part of a continuous user research program that we're setting up. Ideally, I would like to set the guide up to send to all of my users randomly over the course of a year or so – I don't want to try and send to all 30k+ WAU at once, because that would be far too many interviews at one time (hopefully). The only way that I can think to do this is set up a segment of a few different sample groups and go and manually change it every few weeks. Is there a better way to do this? Ideally there would be an "even distribution" option for this guide, like there is for NPS. Would love to know if there are any other ways to hack this that are more set it and forget it. Thanks!
Hey Colin!
As far as I know, the best way to do this is with the sample group, manually segmented and rotated, as you've described.
I would recommend you enter this as a new feature request -- I would bet a lot of research folks would also want this: https://pendo-feedback.pendo.io/app/#/user/suggest
I have this same wish, to distribute a poll over some segment over some period of time.
Since sample groups exist it seems like a straightforward feature to add. In the meantime I'll rotate sample groups monthly, but I'm sure that this opens me to needless mistakes.
Same ask here. I want to collect feedback from users continually on a drip, not all at once.
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