Pendo Snippet installed on web app, but does not connect
I included the Pendo Install Snippet in the html header of my web app built on no-code platform, but it does not connect.
I ran the install validation test from the Developer' Console, and I got the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: pendo is not defined at <anonymous>:1:1
As a last check, I checked the html code to make sure the pendo script is present in the html header and I found it without any problem. Please find it below:
<script> | |
(function(apiKey){ | |
(function(p,e,n,d,o){var v,w,x,y,z;o=p[d]=p[d]||{};o._q=o._q||[]; | |
v=['initialize','identify','updateOptions','pageLoad','track'];for(w=0,x=v.length;w<x;++w)(function(m){ | |
o[m]=o[m]||function(){o._q[m===v[0]?'unshift':'push']([m].concat([],0)));};})(v[w]); | |
y=e.createElement(n);y.async=!0;y.src=''+apiKey+'/pendo.js'; | |
z=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];z.parentNode.insertBefore(y,z);})(window,document,'script','pendo'); | |
pendo.initialize({ | |
visitor: { | |
id: Current User's ID, | |
email: Current User's email, | |
firstName: Current User's Primeiro_nome, | |
lastName: Current User's Sobrenome, | |
CreationDate: Current User's Created Date | |
}, | |
account: { | |
id: Current User's campaignid_1_attribution, | |
accountName: Current User's campaign_1_attribution, | |
payingStatus: Current User's Bookings_list, | |
accountCreationDate: Current User's date_1_attribution, | |
location: Current User's Location | |
} | |
}); | |
})('dd8cfeed-74b5-461d-5a89-9fd0b5b7d7d0'); | |
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