How to activate a guide using a target element after it has been snoozed?
I am creating a guide where I want the users to be able to populate some fields in the page without showing a guide.
To achieve this, I have created a snooze button in the steps before those fields that snoozes the guide for 10 minutes.
Once the user has populated those fields, I want the guide to re-activate (within the same session) once the user clicks the target element I want the guide steps to appear for.
How can I create this in the system?
This sounds like something requiring Custom JS to me using a code block. I think I understand what you're trying to do here. If I were to implement this, I would start with a guide that is automatically launched on this page. The first step would be a "logic step" only where you hide the tooltip with CSS, but add JS that's running while the user is on the page. In the JS, I would add event listeners on each field you want to track whether the user has filled it out or not. In order to make sure all conditions are satisfied (all fields are filled out), I would keep a boolean value that is only set to true once all conditions are met. In the same JS, I would also add a click event to the target element you want to re-activate the guide from.
When the user fills out the required fields, my boolean value is true, and the user clicks on the target element, I would trigger an onGuideAdvanced() leading me to step 2 of the guide that is now shown to the user.
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