Some guides do not display in staging
Have a series of guides set up properly to display in staging, and 2 out of 7 of them display. Code inspector shows several guides' JSON data being passed in which are staged that will not display. Can not pinpoint why some will display and others will not.
I will be crafting an email to pendo support with this information documented.
Could the guide throttling be preventing all of them from being seen? You could Ignore Guide Throttling if you want to make sure they show. Here's more about Guide Throttling:
There were a series of six guides, and pendo support got on a call to help identify the three causes across these guides.
1. Pages which were tied to the activation settings did not use wild cards within the domain selector, and would only display in production settings
2. Segments within a particular domain were defined by an account ID that required a particular format within that domain.
3. There was a deactivation timeline present on at least one guide that prevented it from being seen.
I am documenting these issues after the fact for anyone googling these issues in the future that this should be part of your troubleshooting protocol.
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