Cannot target elements in ios

Hello, I have just setup Pendo for my iOS mobile application, and while creating guides, I cannot target any element for activation, it only highlights the entire page as a single element.


is this the expected behavior on mobile ? or do I need to have extra setup steps to make pendo aware of buttons and images




  • Hi Marz Abumarzouk,

    Thanks for sharing your question. Do you have some basic information such as what type of app you are using and is it Native or React native? 

    Tagging mobile features should be possible, but if you need further assistance, you can try submitting a ticket with our support team to troubleshoot:

  • Hello Howard, thank you for your response,


    We are using it on native iOS with swiftUI application, I followed the guide in the provided link, and all I can highlight to click is the whole page as a single element

  • Hi Marz,

    Thanks for sharing more about your swiftUI app. So Pendo does not support SwiftUI which may explain why you can tag pages, but may or may not have success in selecting features. We cannot guarantee that Pendo is correct on your SwiftUI app - the only use case we support with SwiftUI is via track events.

    Hope this helps with the explanation.

  • Hi Howard, 

    Do you have a timeline or other information on if/when Pendo might work with Swift UI? 


  • Hi Axel Eriksson,

    Unfortunately I don't have any timeline or other information, but this is a feature request that others have shared here:

    You can upvote and add your comment to receive updates and share your feedback with our Pendo Mobile team.

  • Hi Howard - I'm curious when Pendo stopped supporting SwiftUI.  I was able to tag elements in iOS going back as far as approximately 3 years but it seems like that ability has deteriorated over the last year or so.  Also, I would cast my upvote in the link you posted just above but when I go there, it doesn't accept my valid username/password.



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