[Guide Themes] Family font change not working
Hi everyone,
We've been trying to align the Guide themes to our visual style and changing Family Font does not work as expected for Title, Subtitle & Paragraph ... while it works fine in Buttons.:
- When defining the Theme, everything works as expected and the Family Font gets correctly rendered (including custom fonts - see Luengo here):
- But in a Guide, the Theme Family Fonts are not taken into account:
- Even manually setting to "Custom" and picking a family font has no effect:
I don't have any error (neither in the UI nor in the browser console) and all users get the same behavior. And we experience the same behavior with all default layouts.
Has anyone else faced a similar behavior? Any hint on how to fix the issue?
Do you have CSS in your app that may be overriding settings in the Designer? You can inspect the elements in the Designer and see which CSS style sheet they're inheriting the font family from. If the font family is coming from Pendo guide settings it should show that it's inherited from a div element with an ID like "pendo-text-[random string]".
A late reply that might help future users. We've run into this when using polls. Whenever we create those, we add a custom code block with CSS that defines the font for the radio buttons and open text fields.
font-family: 'Proxima nova', sans-serif !important;
color: #273144 !important;
vertical-align:top !important;
margin: 6px 0;
font-family: 'Proxima nova', sans-serif !important;
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