Guide step examples?

We are struggling a little because we have different users creating all sorts of guides but we have no "standard" for the different guide steps - except for fonts and margins. So if I create a guide that features a video embedded in a step, and another person creates a guide with step that has a video embedded in it, they will look different as we have no standard of which text style to use and where (ie, Title, subtitle, paragraph, etc).

Is anyone willing to share examples of what different steps in your guides look like? For example, what does a step look like if it has a carat and is attached to an anchor point? What does a step look like if it has a video or image in it? What does your guide's introduction step look like?



  • Jim what's your email? I can send you some examples of ours.

    We established a set of saved guide step layouts to keep the consistency and also make it easier for anyone building guides to have what they need. Getting with your UX person/team is critical because they helped us make sure we were following best practices and making everything as accessible as possible :) and pretty on top of that.

    • Walkthrough first step (contains a standard SUI graphic, title, room for subtitle, Learn More button, and "Let's Go!" button)
    • Walkthrough middle steps (with or without buttons, these match tooltips)
    • Walkthrough last step (contains a standard GIF, "Walkthrough complete" text, same Learn More button, and "Close" button in addition to the x to dismiss)
    • Tooltips (with or without buttons)
    • Pop-ups (large and small sizes with all buttons you may need)
    • Warning pop-ups (different color header, large and small sizes with all buttons you may need)

    Images and videos we don't include too often, but are then a variation of a pop-up style in most cases.

  • Hey Jim Rehmann, here are a few resources you might find helpful:

    1. Here's a list of some customer use cases and visual examples of what their guides look like.

    2. Here's a link to our demo center, if you go to the 'Guide Showcase' section, you can see live examples of guides used for user onboarding, support, research, etc.

  • Liz, it's


  • Hello Liz Feller,

    Is it possible that you could kindly send me examples of your step layout guides as well?  Much appreciated.

  • Hello Liz Feller,

    Can you share the examples with me as well, trying to do the same for my company.


  • Liz Feller would you be open to sharing these with me as well?


  • "Who am I to blow against the wind..." (song lyrics)

    If you are still sharing, -

    Please and thank you. :)

  • Liz Feller I'm late to the post but if you're still sharing, I'd love to see them as well. 


    Thanks so much!

  • Thank you all for the interest! I actually highlighted almost all the templates we set up in my Pendomonium session this year, so if it’s here in the community as a slide deck or recording that’s the best place to get them :)


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