tagging pages/features as non tracked user
Hello in our app we do not want to track admin users, so we've developed it so that if a user is an admin pendo.initialize() will not run, but this poses a problem as the admins are also the ones who would be the ones to tag the features and pages of our app but the pendo overlay does not work if pendo is not initialized. It seems pretty weird to me that you can't work with pendos tools without tracking the users actions, like that will just give you a bunch of crap data that doesn't represent actual usage of the app.
Hello. Pendo has the ability to add visitors/accounts to an exclude list - which allows you to have Pendo installed for those users (but not track their analytics). The best way to do this is to pass over a stable account ID for all of your internal users - you can then add that ID to the exclude list to prevent internal users from impacting your analytics. More in the include/exclude list is found in this support doc: https://support.pendo.io/hc/en-us/articles/360032209171-Listing-101-Exclude-Include-Listing.
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