Resource Center or Guide Badge Blocking Functionality / Finding the Largest Z-Index
If a Resource Center or Guide badge is sitting on top of an element on your page and blocking important content or the ability for users to interact with the element, a possible solution may be to adjust the z-index of the badge to hide it behind that element.
Here are some steps you can take to identify the highest z-index value that exists on the page:
- Right click anywhere on the page
- Click "Inspect"
- Open your developer console by choosing the "console" tab
- Copy and paste the code snippet below next to the blinking cursor
- Hit enter on your keyboard
You can then use this value to decide the appropriate z-index of your badge (located in the styling tab of the visual designer).
function getMaxZIndex() {
return Math.max(
...Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('body *'), el =>
).filter(zIndex => !Number.isNaN(zIndex)),
Thank you for sharing!
That was super helpful. Thanks.
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