Browser Language

In Browser Usage widget, it says - info we are auto-gathering from the user agent when receiving events from visitors (browser language, browser name, operating system, etc.) But where and how can I see browser language metrics? 




  • The default 'language' metadata value is the browser language.

  • Hi! But I can't see it in the widget? I am trying to see how many Spanish users we have. Thanks. 

  • Ah.  I do not believe there are any default widgets that display the 'language' metadata.  If you are looking to see a breakdown, your best bet would be to utilize the Data Explorer.  There you can select the activity for any given Application and group the data by the 'language' value to either provide a trend analysis or a donut plot of the aggregations over a given time period (see below for an example).

  • Great tip! Thank you Greg! I just got our language metadata setup in data mapping - does it take a while to see that shown in reports? 

  • That should be readily available.  Since that is a 'Custom' metadata, you might want to confirm all Visitors have this metadata value assigned (there are a number of ways to accomplish this, but one quick way would be to create a quick and dirty segment to get a list of visitors with 'Language' "is null").

    The 'language' metadata listed under the "Agent" metadata in the Data Mappings is the default value captured by Pendo via the web traffic.  That 'Language' metadata would be something you passed to us.

  • I see. Let me rephrase my question - I am trying to see the percentage of users visiting our website with their browser language set to Spanish. So it should be an "Agent" metadata that Pendo captures through web traffic. But I currently don't see language listed as an agent metadata in my settings. What do I need to change? 

  • There should be nothing you need to change to your config to ensure that Pendo captures that information as it should be captured by default alongside 'Visitor ID' and 'Sample Group'.  If you do not see it in your Data Mappings list (see below for example), I would recommend contacting Support (via the Resource Center in Pendo) to get eyes on your particular situation.

  • Will do. Thank you very much! 


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