Bridget Lamb
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Latest activity by Bridget Lamb-
Bridget Lamb commented, Yes that helps, thank you!
Bridget Lamb created a post, Can I change the order of my Dashboards?
I'd like to change the order of the dashboards on my Dashboard list. I'd like "Account Summary" to be at the top. Is there a way to do this?
Bridget Lamb commented, Yes Howard Lio it makes sense now. 👍
Bridget Lamb commented, Hi Howard Lio, Thanks for responding! It wasn't a custom date range. The filter was set for the last 90 days. But I just figured out why the total time only added up to 9 minutes. I looked at the t...
Bridget Lamb created a post, Visitor Days Active and Total Time Doesn't Add Up
On one of my Visitor summary pages, the Number of Days Active and Total Time at the top doesn't match days and total time shown on the Timeline. The summary shows 3 days active and Total Time of 9 ...