Ryan Durbin
Citrix - Lead UX Engineer
I think this new feature could be helpful for you that Pendo just rolled out. It's a bit limiting since it's new but could be worth looking into: https://support.pendo.io/hc/en-us/articles/15145835...
Try adjusting that section to this: if (element !== null) { pendo.showGuideById('hgPwGQ8OKxYm_qZVmwBGp1yqiJs'); }
Don't know of a way to access it from the Pendo UI, but Pendo support may have the ability to. I know you can view guide editing history, but as far as I know that would only list past "Save" actio...
Perhaps this could give you some guidance: https://support.pendo.io/hc/en-us/articles/12723700905883-Video-isn-t-displaying-in-a-guide. Maybe the link you're using is only visible to you as someone...
You could probably achieve this with some custom code, but it would be messy and likely not recommended by Pendo. They would likely encourage you to work with your engineering team to create the co...
I'd suspect your application has some global CSS for radio buttons that is hiding the bubbles in the Pendo guide. You can get them back by adding some custom CSS on your guide in a custom code bloc...
My recommendation is a technical one using Javascript so it may be more complex than you hoped but could work. You may find some good info here from a similar question: https://support.pendo.io/hc/...
Did you try using the Test Rule feature on your "two" rule above? You should be able to copy and paste a real URL from your application to see if the rule you created will match it or not. If it do...
From a tagging perspective, I would try to find out if there is some unique class or ID per page that I can use to help ensure I'm only targeting a button on one page and not another. For example, ...
Each step of a Pendo guide has a unique ID to identify it and all elements inside it (text, buttons, etc). You should be able to identify each Submit/Next button once you find the step ID in the HT...