Todd Stoffer
Tech Note: Using Relative URLs in Guide Button Actions for apps with Multiple Subdomains
The button action of URL Link in guides is used to take users to a URL. This is the default view for adding a URL to a guide: But let's say my app uses unique subdomains for each customer we have. ...
Tech Note: Excluding specific elements from tracking in Pendo
The Pendo agent (version 2.9+) has added support that allows you to add a .pendo-ignore class to any element in your code that you would like to completely stop Pendo from capturing. This works by ...
Tech Note: Managing a major application update or UI refresh
If you are in the process of rebuilding an application that already has Pendo installed on it there are a few considerations that you will want to make. Changes in the tech stack you are using for ...
Tech Note: Setting up Pendo for end-user impersonation
In many modern SaaS applications, it is possible for internal users (employees) to impersonate their end-users. If your application allows for this - it is important that you update your Pendo inst...
Tech Note: Programmatically Set the Do Not Process Flag from a Guide Poll Reponse
Overview In some cases, you may want to be able to allow a user to opt-out of Pendo tracking via a Pendo guide. This process uses a Pendo guide with a poll to ask the end-user to opt-out of trackin...