Greg Nutt
One thought that comes to mind - if there is a 'Get Help' button or some other feature whose usage would indicate a friction point for a user (could be Resource Center, depending on the content pro...
Hello Priti Bakale - there appear to be a few Feedback requests around this requirement, but none that I can find specific to NPS. This appears to be the most recent, if you'd like to follow and p...
Thank you for sharing, Angela. This looks very promising!
Hey Robert, great question. Hope this helps! Guide View = number of times a guide has been seen (can potentially be repeat views) Guide Visitors = number of distinct visitors that have seen the gu...
If the user permissions for your product have a high degree of granularity, then it may be appropriate to have that information passed over as boolean metadata. For example: Can_Publish_Reports or...
I understand the difference to allow you to segment based on sustained usage versus surged usage. For example, if Visitor A comes onto your product and performs a lot of activity on a single page o...
Event Properties are the way to go here. The common use case anecdote that I share is around a Search Bar for a support portal. It would be valuable to capture not just WHEN users search for supp...
Hey Damian - I wonder if you've gotten to any resolution on this since your initial post. I'd be curious to hear what you've found, if anything. The first thing that comes to my mind, given your d...
If I may ask, why avoid 'number of days active' metadata already provided? Another thought that comes to mind might be using Page or Feature views/clicks above a certain threshold within the past p...
Hey Handee Handee. Once a guide is moved to 'Public' state, they should be immediately available to your end users. There are a few areas I would check to make sure your guide should be displaying...