Devin Hartnett
Oh this is a swell idea Michael!
Hi Rohit Pandey Unfortunately Im in our Production environment testing this. Ive got the module segmented to just my email address so it wont appear for our consumers. Our test and stage enviros en...
I found this code from another Pendo employee in the forums, and tried it copy+paste. The links dont open at all.
Hey Eric. 2 years later, but hoping you can help. Ive been chasing this tail for a week now and stumbled across this post. I did it just like your code, and I tried creating my own, but neither ver...
Bingo! !important in the CSS editor wasn't working, but !important in Supplemental Styles did the trick. Thank you, Liz!
Ive tried. I think there is some pendo system default overwriting the CSS :\
Javascript! My new-old enemy! I was exploring JS last night but wasnt able to hodge-podge something together successfully. And just like that I managed to do it! Now I just need to figure out ho...