I don't know if you have checked out https://support.pendo.io/hc/en-us/articles/360032202751-Anonymous-Visitors#anonymous-visitor-ids-0-0 yet but there it's described how to stop tracking anonymous users. It's a general setting so if you want to track anons on web but not in android app, I'm not sure it can be done. Showing guides to anons only in one application but not another can be done though.
I don't know if you have checked out https://support.pendo.io/hc/en-us/articles/360032202751-Anonymous-Visitors#anonymous-visitor-ids-0-0 yet but there it's described how to stop tracking anonymous users. It's a general setting so if you want to track anons on web but not in android app, I'm not sure it can be done. Showing guides to anons only in one application but not another can be done though.