Flutter package 2.22.x update?
The iOS SDK is now at version 2.22.4 but the latest Flutter package only supports 2.22.0. When will the Flutter package be updated to support the latest Android and iOS SDKs?
Our podspec supports getting the latest hotfix versions (4) of the latest minor version (22), and therefor you only need to update your podfile by using "pod repo update" and make sure the build is actually installing the updated pod, this will retrieve the latest hotfix for the minor release
iOS and Android, native patch versions, aren't aligned with the plugins(flutter/RN/Xamarin) version unless the fixed issue affects on the plugin
This issue was fixed in iOS 2.22.4: Fixed crash caused by race condition
I would like to pickup that fix in Flutter.
Hey Larry,
We recently released an updated Flutter plugin - 2.22.1 that contains all of the latest fixes.
Thanks Shlomi Moses. I appreciate the update notice.
Also, I noticed the README on pub.dev is missing the Getting Started instructions. It only contains the original boiler plate message from the Flutter template. It would be nice to have the integration instructions in that README. https://pub.dev/packages/pendo_sdk
Thanks, Larry.
You're absolutely correct, and we should fix that.
In the meantime, you can find all relevant integration instructions on our GitHub