
React Native - Unable to launch Pendo Designer anymore

I'm trying to connect my device with the Pendo Designer tool as always but now it's not working for any of my apps (android and ios). Each time that I open the link in the device, my browser show the following message "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid". I tried with Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Brave but is the same issue. 

I my apps keeps tracking data in Pendo. So the SDK is working.

react-native: 0.68.5
rn-pendo-sdk: 2.21.2


Thanks in advance!



  • 正式なコメント

    The open of the URL scheme is all handled by the OS - if you get this error message, I would suggest to go over the scheme in your info.plist (iOS for example) of your app and validate the scheme is correct. if your scheme is correct, the OS should be able to find the right application in your system.

    Things to validate:
    1. Find your scheme-id inside your application of your subscription to make sure it matches the scheme in your app

    2. When you try to connect the device with the Pendo designer tool, make sure the app context is correct - meaning make sure the link matches the app you want to open the page in

    let us know if further assistance is needed

  • HI Omri,

    The scheme-id and the app context are both correct. The connection was working few weeks ago but it suddenly has stopped working now. 

  • Hi,

    when you paste the link into your browser, a button should appear that says "launch app"
    this "launch app" button link contains the scheme ID of the app something that begins with "pendo-xxxxxx://" 

    that "pendo-xxxxxx" is the scheme of your app. does that scheme surely matched to the installed app on your phone? (it should be in a field called CFBundleURLTypes in your info.plist of your app) this is solely dependent on the OS to take care of, as stated, once it recognizes a scheme matches an installed app that handles this scheme, there is no logic exists behind that, it should be automatic. just like if you type "itms-apps://" (with no quotes) in your safari browser it should ask you to open the AppStore, regardless if the rest of the link is valid or not.
    this was an example to emphasize that this issue resides only from either the fact that the link does not provide the correct scheme, or the app does not contain the right scheme, we should figure out which one is at fault.

    Please let me know about your findings and we will continue from there.
    attached: an image that shows the webpage once you paste the link into safari. if you cant get that scheme (reminder: "pendo-xxxxx://" from the device itself, just try that on the computer, and hover on that button without pressing it, it should present the full address this button redirects to)

  • Hi Omri, thanks for the response!

    I checked the scheme id in the "Launch App" link and also in our info plist and is the same for both. 

    So what else could be? 

  • Hi,

    As we said, this is purely system behavior, so if both are valid, this should work 100% of the times.

    did you try another device? (I dont really expect it to work on another device, see below) but if any case it did work on another device, this means you may need to delete and reinstall the app on your current device.

    I suspect that the scheme was incorrectly inserted into the info.plist file, which makes the system not recognize which app should be opened with this scheme.

    I suggest the next step will be to open a ticket to your TS, so we can take a deeper look inside your app configurations versus your subscription scheme, and see where the problem is at. 



