List of completed guides for a viditor

Hi all, 

I am new to Pendo.

I was wondering if there is a way to get all the completed guides for a particular visitor through an API.

I am trying to show the progress of the user's learning curve and show some type of % complete of all the guides we are offering.


Thank you



  • Hey Alex,

    This is an interesting ask.  There's no specific data point "out-of-the-box" that is used to determine completion of a guide.  However, if you assume that a completed guide means that there is a dismiss event on the last step of a guide, you could use something like this. 

        "response": {
            "mimeType": "application/json"
        "request": {
            "pipeline": [
                    "source": {
                        "guidesSeenEver": null
              { // return only identified visitors
                    "identified": "visitorId"
                { // add in your visitor or replace with a segment operator
                    "filter": "visitorId == `myVisitor`"
                { // filter only to completed guide steps
                    "filter": "lastState == `dismissed`"
                { // find the last step of the guide.  
                // disclaimer: this only returns results based only on the guide as it exists now.
    // guides with added/removed last steps while live may not return as expected
                    "merge": {
                        "fields": [ // match the previous results on guide and step
                        "mappings": { // bring over these fields
                            "numSteps": "numSteps",
                            "guideName": "guideName",
                            "lastStep": "lastStep"
                        "pipeline": [
                                "source": {
                                    "guides": null
                            { // get the last step in the steps array
                                "eval": {
                                    "numSteps": "len(steps)",
                                    "guideStepId": "steps[-1].id"
                            { // add a boolean lastStep to use later on as a filter
                                "select": {
                                    "guideId": "id",
                                    "numSteps": "numSteps",
                                    "guideStepId": "guideStepId",
                                    "guideName": "name",
                                    "lastStep": "true"
              { // filter out anything unmatched between the two datasets
                    "filter": "!isNil(lastStep)"
                    "select": {
                        "guideId": "guideId",
                        "guideName": "guideName",
                        "visitorId": "visitorId",
                        "lastCompleted": "lastSeenAt",
                        "numSteps": "numSteps"


