Pendo SDK doesn't work on android release build

I implemented PendoSDK for react-navigation It works find when I try to link a new device with the debug build but when I build the release build and try to link a device it doesn't show the pendo icon which it shows to take screenshots otherwise. 

The error below is where it fails sometimes, but I don't think it's linked and also I have increased the heap memory to max.

> Task :app:minifyReleaseWithR8
AGPBI: {"kind":"warning","text":"Ignoring option: -useuniqueclassmembernames","sources":[{"file":"/Users/myusername/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/40a2779ec9aef790111d31a84a59327e/transformed/jetified-time4j-android-4.8-2021a/proguard.txt","position":{"startLine":0,"startColumn":0,"startOffset":0,"endColumn":26,"endOffset":26}}],"tool":"R8"}

> Task :app:minifyReleaseWithR8 FAILED
AGPBI: {"kind":"error","text":"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space","sources":[{}],"tool":"R8"}

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I have proguard active as well but haven't added the `-optimization` as I don't think it's needed in my case.



  • Hi, Ch Talha! Do your "debug" and "release" app builds, share the same Pendo API key and scheme? Please verify there is no missing integration parts for your "release" build if they should be different from the "debug" build. Another thing is that you can enable debug logs by PendoSDK.setDebugMode(true) before your call to the PendoSDK.setup... method and send us logs of this case where you open the app with a link however there is no Pendo chevron of pairing. Thanks



