TalkDesk with Pendo

Hello! I am trying to add a custom sandbox module in my resource center to add the TalkDesk chat widget. Does anyone have experience with this? I can't seem to get it to work. Thank you!


TalkDesk Code:


<!-- Start of Talkdesk Code --> <script> var webchat; (function(window, document, node, props, configs) { if (window.TalkdeskChatSDK) { console.error("TalkdeskChatSDK already included"); return; } var divContainer = document.createElement("div"); = node; document.body.appendChild(divContainer); var src = ""; var script = document.createElement("script"); var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; script.type = "text/javascript"; script.charset = "UTF-8"; = "tdwebchatscript"; script.src = src; script.async = true; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(script, firstScriptTag); script.onload = function() { webchat = TalkdeskChatSDK(node, props); webchat.init(configs); /* * Send custom data from your website to TalkDesk! * If you would like to do it, you need to remove the following commented code and * modify the webchat.setContextParam parameters to pass in the data you need. */ /*function setContext() { webchat.setContextParam({ "var1": "value1", "var2": "value2", "var3": 100 }) } // Send data when the chat conversation is initiated webchat.onConversationStart = function() { setContext() } // Send data when the chat widget is open webchat.onOpenWebchat = function() { setContext() }*/ }; })( window, document, "tdWebchat", { touchpointId: "xxxxx", accountId: "", region: "td-us-1" }, { enableValidation: false, enableEmoji: true, enableUserInput: true, enableAttachments: true } ); </script> <!-- End of Talkdesk Code -->







