Brandon Noskoviak | In-App Content Engagement Manager @ Jamf

I would be willing to guess you probably have a pretty good idea of what I do for work at Jamf. In a nutshell, we have a robust handful of applications leveraged by various industries - Pendo is installed in most of them. I work across departments and borders to help ensure customer success with help from Pendo's offering.

A bit about myself personally:

  • I enjoy consuming pop culture, spicy food, and science and technology news.
  • I like learning about security and UX topics.
  • I prefer sweating over shivering.
  • During the cold months, I like binging on tv and video games and playing the guitar.
  • During the short summers in the upper midwest, you may find me at a disc golf course or simply basking.
  • I lurk on macadmins slack, r/macsysadmins, and Jamf Nation for fun.
  • A healthy variety of podcasts have stereotypically consumed the in-between for me.
  • I'm new to yoga.

Buster is my favorite dog of two (don't tell Peanut). In the pic below, Buster is convinced he's going for a ride.

I look forward to learning from all of you and hope I can be of help at times. 



  • Welcome Brandon (and Buster)! Upvote for the great picture.

    Thank you for jumping into the discussion threads and being a big help to other Pendo users - looking forward to seeing our community grow with your help!



