NPS Visitor Reports

Great question and conversations from Jason Lott:

"Is there a way to have a saved report that outputs NPS responses? I’m trying to solve a use case where staff don’t want to comb through a Slack channel to look at all responses and instead get a report delivered."




  • In order to make sure my segment matched my Visitor Report (last 7 days, not including today) I had to exclude today's responses from the report by adjusting the segment to include:
    • visitors that responded within last 7 days
    • visitors that responded not within last 1 day

    I went a step further and segmented them by territory as well so each rep could subscribe to a weekly report of just the responses from accounts they were responsible for.

  • A couple of additional learnings we had about the above:

    • Currently the emailed version only contains the first three columns of your saved report so if you want to view the NPS score or feedback directly in the email, order them such that they are part of the first three (the first column is visitor ID by default)
    • There is an inconsistency between how a segment measures time and a visitors report. I set my segment of users who responded to the NPS to last 7 days and my visitor report to last 7 days. But I was getting some users without any NPS data. Turns out segments include the current day up to the moment of running the report whereas the visitor report is the 7 days preceding today. So to solve that problem it was suggested I add an additional rule to the segment (poll not responded to within the last one day). You would think that the report would override the segment and completely eliminate the current day users, but it didn't until I modified the segment. That eliminated my blanks and took care of that odd overlap which hopefully will be reconciled in future iterations of Pendo.


  • Big thanks to Doug McDaniel and Liz Feller for the following answer:

    You could easily create a visitor report with columns for the NPS responses within a timeframe. You can subscribe to the report in an email. 

    To only include visitors who did the NPS, you would create a segment for anyone who viewed the NPS in the last two weeks, then add the poll results as columns on the visitor report (one for score, one for comment).


