Daniel Lenders -- Onboarding Consultant at Pendo

Greetings and Salutations!

I'm Daniel Lenders and I'm a part of the Pendo Professional Services team as an Onboarding Consultant (you probably figured that out from the title though 🙃). 

I love helping people come to "AHA" moments with Pendo as well as solving functional business needs. Pendo helps create a full data story starting with analytics, leading to effective guides, which leads to better analytics and leads to better products. It's quite exciting to see! 

Looking forward to checking out what y'all are doing with Pendo and helping out where I can! 

~ Daniel



  • Hi Daniel, what would you suggest to identify the aha moment with the data Pendo is capturing?  BR Jan

  • Hi Jan!

    One thing I like to point out is customer pathing. Often times, we assume we know what our customers are doing, but with the Paths feature in Pendo, we can see if our predictions are correct or not. We can also see the more obscure paths the customers take and see workflows you would otherwise miss.  



