All Guides Report Showing Polling Responses from All Visitors
I am trying to create a report in Pendo that shows me all of my guides that have polls associated with them and their poll responses. Each guide we create has a poll question that asks the user if the guide was helpful Yes/No. We are trying to see which guides have the more responses in either category so we can review the guides and update them if necessary. Anyone have any idea how I could do something like that?
Hey Wes Barnes,
You might be able to do this with a visitor report and the columns included would be the separate Polls and the associated question, "Was this helpful?"
You would just export the list and could use the COUNT formula to track the total Yes/No responses for each one.
Agree with Angus this would be the best approach. If you are only looking to compare Views, you could add each Guide (Poll) into a Data Explorer report to see which Guide (Poll) has the most views within a specific timeframe.