Guide target element matches multiple

Is it possible to set target element on SPA. it matches multiple targets and showing the guide only for one element.






  • Pendo will only display one guide at a time.  If a guide's targeted element rule matches multiple elements on a page, the expected behavior is to attach to the "first" matching element on the page.

  • Is there any possibility to display the guide if we have tabs on page, when the user inside each tab match a specific element and display? or maybe appending tab id from url to make it unique.  #tab-container_{tabid)

  • If you can specify each tab independently, then yes you can target each independently.  Though one guide step can only target a single CSS Selector at a time.  So in the example you provide, one guide for #tab-container_abc and another for #tab-container_xyz

  • when changing the tab, the browser URL changes with the last parameter, is it possible to consider that and show same guide on multiple tab targets?


  • You should be able to, yes.  If the addition to the URL path is a 'Path' element, you could wildcard (or "Ignore") that element via the Rule Builder when tagging the Page.  If it is a query parameter (indicated with "?"), you could either specify the existence but wildcard the value or just ignore the presence of the parameter altogether.  Either way should allow you the flexibility to specify multiple pages as the potential target for your Guide.

  • Greg Nutt as per your suggestion I added page rule below 


    and tried with below pages under different tabs

    but guide loaded only for first, please advice


  • Hey sand fdo - I would point you toward our help article on better understanding URL patterns for Page tagging, but I believe the complication above has to do with the URL Fragment nomenclature (#) in your URLs.  I would open a Support Case to have them give you a technical set of eyes on this.



