Export page views by URL

I would like to export the page views by URL into an excel or csv format. Right now I only see the ability to export the tagged pages, but because there are 1,000's of parameter possibilities attached to the single tagged page I'm unable to see the unique views. 

Is this possible?



  • Hi Noelle, 

    Unfortunately at this time, there is not a way to export parameters associated with a page in a .csv format.   You are able to view the top parameters on the page details page, by clicking into a particular page tag. 

    It could be possible to gather this data via the API utilizing the pageEvents source, with the API you would pull back all page events - in each event there will be a parameters section showing the parameter that was present during that event. 

    Please add yourself as a vote to this feedback request to let our Product Team know of your interest in this as a feature. 

  • Hi Charles, 

    In order to see page views by individual page would I need to tag the 1000's of individual pages or have a data warehouse to pull from the API?



