The current visitor is not associated with an account. Is this expected?
What exactly is meant by this? How can I resolve?
Seems I'm sending correctly, as I'm getting the following from the validate:
pendo.js:21 Pendo Install Validation
pendo.js:21 The current visitor is not associated with an account. Is this expected?
t @ pendo.js:21
validateInstall @ pendo.js:21
(anonymous) @ VM1620:1
pendo.js:21 visitor metadata (does this look right?):
pendo.js:21 id: 188390
pendo.js:21 PE-FirstName: Quinn
pendo.js:21 PE-LastName: McFinn
pendo.js:21 PE-CreateDate: 2022-09-13
pendo.js:21 language: en_US
pendo.js:21 account metadata (does this look right?):
pendo.js:21 ID: 9392929
pendo.js:21 PE-LegacyID: 9392929
pendo.js:21 PE-City: Memphis
pendo.js:21 PE-State: Tennessee
pendo.js:21 PE-Zip: 38103
Now it's not showing the message.
Does it only show the first time for a new visitor?
Hi, how are you mapping your id data for anonymous users