Josh Van Lente
Josh Van Lenteさんの最近のアクティビティ-
Josh Van Lenteさんがコメントを作成しました: Yes. Make sure you're pasting into the "javascript" tab and updating the "textBoxQuestionText" value to match the title of your open text poll
Josh Van Lenteさんがコメントを作成しました: Howard Lio Is there any setting that need to be configured in Pendo in order to use this method of activation?
Josh Van Lenteさんがコメントを作成しました: Hi Angela Holly! So we are trying to use your suggested approach of target element activation which we made work for showing the alert count. However we have another use case where we need to ac...
Josh Van Lenteさんがコメントを作成しました: Hi Angela! I didn't realize the count would show if we used target element! This is a pretty good solution but not perfect. We use a similar pattern when there are unread items in various part...
Josh Van Lenteさんがコメントを作成しました: Angela Holly follow up on Sanjay's question. We too would like to get the count of unread items in the research center. The use case is we need to put the resource center active in our app's nav...