Use right-to-left languages in guides

Last updated:

This article is relevant for the Visual Design Studio. Pendo Guides supports right-to-left (RTL) languages. In Visual Design Studio, use the styles and text design options to design your guide for an RTL language.

Note: Localization for RTL languages isn't supported.

See Create a guide for in-depth details on how to create a guide.

The information in the table details how to use the building blocks to design your guide for use with an RTL language.

Component How it works
Text direction

Whenever you input text throughout the Visual Design Studio using an RTL language, Pendo automatically sets the direction accordingly.
Pendo recognizes which language you are using and determines the text direction based on this.


Text direction also determines the positioning of:

  • Bullets and numbering
  • Punctuation marks
  • Arrows for dropdown lists
  • Radio buttons

Note: Numbers in the Number Scale Poll will remain 1..5 and won’t change direction.

Text style and alignment

To set text alignment, go to Edit text > Styles and set the alignment.



Row alignment

To align row content, hover over the row and select the Edit Row button, then select the alignment.


Guide Close button

Click the ‘X’ button, then in the Edit Close Button window, change Close button style to Custom, and set the alignment.


Tip: When you finish designing your guide, don’t forget to save it as a layout so you can quickly access it for use with other guides using an RTL language.

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