Developer's guide to installing the Pendo Mobile SDK

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This article is intended for developers and provides guidance on planning and implementing a successful installation of the Pendo SDK (software development kit).

View supported mobile frameworks

Pendo supports both codeless tracking and Track Events for collecting data. For information, see Supported mobile frameworks.

For detailed instructions on installing each framework, see Pendo's Github site.

Migrate from SDK version 2.0 to version 3.0

To ensure optimal performance and security, and access to the SDK’s latest features, it's recommended to migrate from Pendo SDK version 2.x to version 3.x.

By migrating to the new version, you can enjoy improved performance, better compatibility with other software and devices, and peace of mind knowing that your system is up-to-date and protected against potential threats.

For instructions on how to migrate to SDK version 3.0, see Migrating from version 2.x to version 3.x in Pendo's Github site.

Install the Pendo mobile SDK

The Pendo mobile SDK provides codeless, retroactive analytics across all of your app versions, as well as lightboxes, tooltips, and multi-step walkthrough guides built with Pendo's Visual Design Studio.

  • The integration takes three lines of code.
  • The SDKs start collecting analytics after a successful installation. This allows Pendo to automatically track any user action in your app, providing insights without prior app tagging (retroactive analytics).
  • Analytics and Guides are agnostic to app versions, allowing you to make updates without needing to change the way Pendo tracks user interactions on mobile apps.
  • Utilize multi-app paths and funnels to track users throughout their product journey on mobile and web.

For detailed installation instructions for the Pendo Mobile SDK for each individual framework, see Pendo's Github site.


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