Send data to multiple subscriptions

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If you deploy Pendo using the Pendo Launcher browser extension, you can send event data from multiple applications to multiple Pendo subscriptions by configuring additional API keys.

How it works

Sending application data to multiple subscriptions involves additional configuration alongside the original API key for the extension, following the same method used to configure the Pendo Launcher browser extension. The subscriptions can be in any of Pendo’s data environments and might require specifying which environment each subscription is in.

The extension downloads the application list from all subscriptions that you specify and tracks all of the configured applications.

To avoid data duplication and inconsistency, you can't have more than one application across subscriptions that target the same URL. If two applications overlap in target URLs, only one application is used to send data.

To send data to multiple subscriptions, you need:

  • The API key for your subscription. Admin users can find the API key for a subscription in Settings > Subscription settings > Extension.
  • The data environment for your subscription. You can check which data environment your subscription is hosted in by looking at the URL you use to access Pendo:
    • The URL for the default US data environment is, and is commonly referred to as the "io" environment.
    • The URL for the US1 data environment is
    • The URL for the EU data environment is
    • The URL for the Japan data environment is

Update the extension configuration

To send data to multiple subscriptions, edit the configuration previously used for the Pendo Launcher browser extension to include additionalAPIKeys. If the additional subscriptions are in different data environments from the original (primary) subscription, you must specify the environment alongside the key. For example:

dataEnvironment: 'eu'
additionalAPIKeys: [
 '{"key": "API_KEY_FOR_SUB2", "env": "io"}',

In the above example, the primary subscription's API key is API_KEY_FOR_SUB1 and resides in the EU data environment. The second subscription's API key is API_KEY_FOR_SUB2, which is in the default ("io") US data environment. The third subscription's API key is API_KEY_FOR_SUB3, which is in the EU data environment.

Code examples

This section provides some more specific examples of code for configuring the Pendo Launcher browser extension to send data to multiple subscriptions.

Google Admin Console

{"APIKey":{"Value":"API_KEY_FOR_SUB1"},"dataEnvironment":{"Value":"eu"},"additionalAPIKeys":{"Value":["{\"key\": \"API_KEY_FOR_SUB2\",\"env\":\"io\"}","API_KEY_FOR_SUB3"]}}

macOS Configuration Profile

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
{&quot;key&quot;: &quot;API_KEY_FOR_SUB2&quot;,&quot;env&quot;:&quot;io&quot;}</string>



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