View Resource Center metrics

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The Resource Center Metrics tab provides detailed usage metrics for your Resource Center, modules, and guides within those modules. These metrics surface data on views, visitors, and usage.

In the Metrics tab, you can:

  • See total and comparative insights into which modules are used or not used.
  • Drill into usage by segment or time frame.
  • Discover if new users are using your Onboarding checklist or other resources.
  • Find out how many users are really looking at your announcements.
  • Drill into who's using your self-help modules.


You can access the Metrics tab after opening the Resource Center details. The information in the tab includes several sections that filter and surface Resource Center usage data.

  • Filters
  • Top Stats
  • Resource Center views or visitors' table
  • Module data and usage and Resource Center-activated guide usage


  • Pendo Agent v2.111.0 or greater
  • Resource Center must be published and out of Draft status to have usage data


Filters control the data displayed in charts and tables, such as the segment, date range, account, and language version of the Resource Center, if you're using Localization for Resource Center translation.


  • Segment. Pick a segment to see how specific groups use your Resource Center. The default is Everyone.
  • Date Range. Restrict data to the selected date range. Predefined ranges for Today, Yesterday, Last 7/30/60/90/180 Days, and Custom Date up to 1 year are available.
  • Accounts. A list of every Account ID in the subscription to quickly segment by account. Default is All Accounts.
  • Languages. All languages configured in the app are available even if they aren't translated. Default is All Languages.

Top Stats

The Top Stats chart highlights the overall usage of your Resource Center.


  • Total Views. Number of times the Home view was seen.
  • Visitor Ratio. The number of visitors who have seen the Resource Center out of the total number of eligible visitors. Because the Resource Center as a whole doesn't have a segment, eligible visitors are determined by the segments of modules in the Resource Center. If a module is segmented for everyone, this number represents every eligible visitor.
Events used to calculate total views and unique visitors in the visitor ratio are filtered by segment, date range, account, and language. Eligible visitors aren't influenced by the filter.

Resource Center Views Chart

The Resource Center Views chart shows a bar chart of total views broken down by first-time views and repeat views.


  • The visualization can be adjusted using the dropdown menus to show weekly or monthly view totals and number of views or number of unique visitors.
  • Select + Add Feature to add Feature usage data from your tagged Features to the chart with your Resource Center view data.
  • Select a data element in the footer to toggle it on and off in the chart.

Feature overlay

Feature overlay provides insight into how the Resource Center has affected Feature usage. If Resource Center content has been built to launch a Feature or direct users to an existing Feature, it's important to track the impact your content has on actual usage.

To add Feature click data to the chart, select + Add Feature and then select any of the tagged Features in the dropdown menu. You can select multiple Features, then select anywhere out of the dropdown menu to add them to the chart and process the new data.


Core events are prioritized in the searchable pick list with all other Features listed below. There's no limit to the number of Features that can be added, but too many Features can clutter the visualization and the Y-axis scale adjusts to accommodate the number of Feature clicks.

Resource Center Modules table

The Resource Center Modules table shows usage and configuration details for all of your modules and any guides in those modules. Expand a module that contains guides, like a Guide List, Announcement, or Onboarding module, to see additional information about those guides. Usage data shows the number of unique visitors and the number of clicks and views for your modules or guides. It also shows how frequently modules are used compared to others as the percentage of total clicks.


The default order is the order of the modules configured in your Resource Center but you can sort the table using any column. Rank your modules by usage or group them by segment to look for trends.

Select the name of the module or guide to go directly to the Details Page and make any changes to settings or design.

Note: The number of clicks may not match the number of views exactly. A module displays automatically if it's the only module visible to a user based on target segments or Page and element targeting rules. This might result in a module view without a click. A module may also be hidden from a user if they aren't eligible for any guides in that module. This likely results in low usage for a module that has a large target segment.

Visitor and account list slide-out

Select the number of views to open a slide-out that shows the visitors and accounts who viewed that module or guide.


  • Select + Create Segment to create a segment for all visitors or accounts who have viewed the module‌. This segment is similar to segmenting by Feature usage and can be used for analytics or guide targeting.
  • Download the list as a CSV to export the visitor list and use it for third-party analytics or communications.
  • Select an ID to go to the Details page for that visitor or account.


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