Using the same guide on multiple pages

I have tagged all the pages I want to post this guide on. I don't want it to show site wide and I don't want to show on only one page. I don't want to have to recreate the guide for each page I want this to show on. Is there an easy way to do that? 



  • There's two ways, one is to make a "superpage" of sorts -- one page tag that has all the rules for the pages you want the guide to display on, then set the guide location to that page. Or, target the guide to element(s) only found on those pages (like a header or something) then set the guide to sitewide and it will only display where the element(s) is found.

  • How to create a superpage?

  • I have tried to create a page with rules "//*/home", and "//*/home/file". But it didn't work anymore.


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