How do I update the page location of a guide?

I have a guide setup and it is using a badge, but it has the wrong Page Location set on it. However, I am unable to edit the field to be able to set it to the correct web page.  What steps do I need to take to make the Page Location field editable?



1 comment
  • You can update the page location for the first step in the edit mode for the guide. If you physically cannot get to the page, here's a workaround: open the guide on any page in your product for editing, and go copy down your badge activation settings. Then change the activation to Automatic only, save, and close the edit mode. Back in Pendo on the Guide Details screen, click the first step's location and update it to the page you need. Then re-open the guide to edit, and put the activation back to Badge with the settings the way you had them before.


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