Identifying healthy usage patterns

Hey Pendo Community, hoping to leverage your collective expertise!

I am trying to find ways to use Pendo to detect usage patterns of my accounts - co-horting accounts based on similar patters and then identifying when usage starts trending down.

The challenge is that "heathy usage pattern" will vary across our accounts: some are Monthly, some Quarterly and some are Yearly. So the peaks and valleys of usage vary for each account and the height of the peaks will also vary since accounts have varying numbers of users and how much time they spend on the site and still be considered healthy usage. So what is healthy usage for some accounts could mean unhealthy for others.

I've tried playing around with segments based on usage/time on site/login activity to try to cohort my accounts but it has proved challenging since I have to provide a finite number to these. 

What I need is a tool that can tell me that "the highest usage for this specific account happens on a monthly basis" and based on historic patterns, the usage has started to trend downward.

What is the best way to cohort similar customers?





1 comment
  • I'd build segments of accounts you know should be similar based on OTHER characteristics (not login activity) and use stickiness, Data Explorer, retention, and Product Engagement Score to see what you can find around seasonality and trends. The PES over time is particularly helpful in understanding where trends may start.


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