Number of Events is the total count of all events Pendo collects:
Clicks: Clicks on elements within your application. These are used to calculate Feature usage.
Load: URL changes and loads within your application. These are used to calculate the number of Page views.
Focus: The best example of focus is when elements are highlighted as you 'tab' around the page. We do not currently utilize these events.
Meta: These are sent when metadata is supplied from your Pendo snippet.
Guide/poll events: Guide specific events. These include guideSeen, guideDismissed, and guideAdvanced.
Number of events can serve as a general indicator of activity but isn't particularly insightful. You might find a better gauge of product engagement with the “Day Actives” and “Time on Site” metadata fields.
Number of Events is the total count of all events Pendo collects:
Number of events can serve as a general indicator of activity but isn't particularly insightful. You might find a better gauge of product engagement with the “Day Actives” and “Time on Site” metadata fields.
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